Run With Us
Ride With Us
Our commitment to the community is just as strong as our commitment to our customers!
We know that being passionate about our work IS fulfilling, but also that we couldn’t do that work if it wasn’t for this amazing community of Tampa Bay.
That’s why we’ve combined our company mission with community outreach – and encourage you to join us in doing the same.
YMCA MASH Program:
MASH stands for Mainstream Adults Sharing Hope – and it’s a vital program offered through the Y for Adults with special needs.
They meet for activities that encourage socializing, development of healthy habits, and that uplift the spirit through community involvement. And are just some of the nicest, kindest people you’ll ever meet.
It’s a privilege for us to sponsor the annual Reindeer Run at the John Chestnut Sr Park in Palm Harbor every year. Please use this link and volunteer or walk with us this year.. you won’t regret it!
See all the amazing things YMCA Suncoast does on their Facebook page here:
Gearlink Racing Team:
Gearlink Racing is a Team of athletes that competes around the state. And in addition to an organized training program, promoting this amazing sport, and organizing local races, Gearlink fosters new racers in the area.
Verified Technologies along with Gearlink works with talented young racers to start their career by sponsoring their participation in tournaments and subsidizing travel.
If you have never been to a race you should! It’s an exciting event full of speed, athleticism, and a real spirit of competition.
Interested in Riding with Us? Learn more about Gearlink Racing here.
Follow them on Facebook here.
AND – Follow Verified Technologies on Facebook to see both!