A Managed Service company or Managed Service Provider is one that handles the daily operation of some part of your daily business. In specific, most people are referring to IT services when they use those terms.
A Managed Service Company or Managed Service Provider is one that handles the daily operation of some part of your daily business. In specific, most people are referring to IT services when they use those terms.
So simply put, a Managed Service Provider is a managed IT services company that can:
- Allow you to empower your employees to do more using the latest online tools
- Free up your in-house IT to focus on more strategic programs – or conversely focus on break-fix
- Remove that technology component from the list of things that hamper growth and efficiency.
When any of those things ring a bell for you, read on and find out exactly what a Managed IT Services Provider can do for you. By uncovering what’s included in a typical service agreement.
Read more about Key Components here: Home – Verified Technologies
Or about Managed Services in general here: Managed services – Wikipedia

Managed Network Services
What does the Managed Network Services part of a Managed IT Services Agreement look like?
Managed Server is a foundation component of the Verified Technologies service offering. And it is literally the FOUNDATION for any managed services agreement that’s designed to keep your business operational – a key component in the quest for Zero Downtime.
Our Managed Server agreement provides the following for your Windows Server:
Protection against Viruses and Malware – through the installation of a Management Agent and anti-virus/anti-malware software on each server to be managed.
Peace of Mind Protection – with 24×7 monitoring and critical alert systems you never have to worry about your Serves being unprotected
Fast Back-to-Business Remote Repair – that 24×7 service isn’t just for monitoring, it’s for remoting in and resolving issues as well.
Including Remote Support – that includes SQL and Exchange, the core of many Windows Server applications
Next-Day Server Repair – not EVERY issue can be solved remotely. So Managed Server includes the ability to an engineer delivered to your door the next morning under our normal Reactive Support Service.
3rd Party Application Support – that’s another thing covered under our Reactive Support Service. Talk to us about your options.
Hassle-Free Vendor Warranty Support – let us handle the manufacturer’s warranty covered repairs and communications. You just do what you do!
The “Uh-Oh – that’s not updated yet Service” – you know what causes a host of server issues, compatibility problems, and just general glitches in a Windows Server? Not keeping up to date with patches and maintenance. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of that too!
Managed Network Servers are a MUST. Because your hardware IT Team is busy answering help desk calls about printers, scanners and “I lost my password” calls they really don’t have time to focus on these basics. That’s why we’ve made it a core part of our overall Managed Services agreements.

Managed Desktop
Managed Desktop is somewhat of a misnomer because it includes laptops and what’s left of the “portable computers” Just like our customers, we often move from in-office desktop computers to home-based laptops depending on the days or weeks of work schedules.
Managed Desktop Services is of course another key component in the quest for Zero Downtime. Because it’s not just Servers that are vital to your business. A key operator working remotely with a dead laptop is almost as damaging as the dire issues we discussed in the Managed Server article.
And you’ve probably guessed that your employee’s computers, wherever they are, are the gateway for a host of bad actor’s attempts at damaging your business. Or holding it hostage with ransomware.
So here is what is typically included in the Managed Desktop Services as a component of overall Managed Services. At least as Verified Technologies sees it:
- Protection against Viruses and Malware – through the installation of a Management Agent and anti-virus/anti-malware software on each Windows Desktop to be managed.
- Peace of Mind Protection – 8 to 5 workday monitoring and alerting on critical events as defined in System Monitoring.
- Including Remote Support – unlimited Remote Support for the desktop operating system and services for all the most important applications/issues your team is likely to have, like Microsoft Office, networking, printing, etc.
- Direct end user Support – your team can call us directly for remote support, leaving your in-house IT to handle other business
- Access to our Reactive Support Service – for FAST hands on help, you’ll be able to call on our team for a fee-based response to get your team back up and running.
- Hassle Free Vendor Warranty Support – you might remember this from our Managed Server list... let us handle the manufacturer’s warranty covered repairs and communications. You just do what you do!
- Patches? Yes – We do Patches – what probably causes more block and tackle, daily issues than anything in a diverse workforce? Software glitches due to lack of maintenance. Managed Desktop includes Patch Management.
- Anti-Virus and Malware Scanning – this is done every single day – because THIS is where your company data is most vulnerable.
- Security Training – No Kung Fu lessons here. But we WILL provide ongoing training for your team on how to spot and avoid phishing links, identify suspicious emails and how to find their horoscopes without shutting down the company servers
That horoscope thing actually happened to a local company. An employee got a phishing email suggesting she click here to get her updated horoscope and the entire network/dataset was encrypted – ransomware!
Managed Desktop Service is especially important in the post-covid workplace because so many employees are working remotely. It’s more important than ever to manage, update and protect the company by protecting the individual computers that employees are using.
This is what separates Managed Services agreements – and their Managed Desktop components – from the break-fix methods of the past. Constant and consistent care is a MUST!
Related Article: What is Multi-Factor Authentication and Why Your Remote Workers Need it? – Verified Technologies

Firewalls and Managed IT
Are Firewalls Part of a Managed Services Agreement?
Most of our C-Suite clients know that they NEED a firewall, but not where they fit into the safety and security of their data and networks.
But that’s the point of a Managed Services Agreement. To let someone that DOES know – and knows what to do to keep them up and running – make sure that each part of the networking puzzle is up to date and ready for the defensive line.
What is a Firewall?
It’s a network security device that acts as a gatekeeper. It’s basically the doorman to your network that decides what traffic to let IN to your network and what to let out.
A firewall can be hardware or software, and one or the other will be recommended depending on your situation. But whichever it is, setting up the policies on what to let in is one of the first tasks of Managed Firewall Service Agreements.

So here is what is typically included in the Managed Firewall Services as a component of overall Managed Services. At least as Verified Technologies sees it:
- Peace of Mind Protection – Around the clock, 24x7 monitoring to detect the up/down status of the firewall appliance. That means we watch the health of this system VERY closely.
- Avoiding Neglect – One of the ways that established companies fail at network security is through simple NEGLECT. Even the most attentive IT pro might forget a service renewal subscription or update. A Managed Firewall Agreement prevents that!
- Virtual Hands on Support – including all-important service renewals licenses to your firewall. You are reminded of the subscription update and the licensing and paperwork is handled.
- Ongoing Maintenance – Firmware updates can’t be missed. They’re usually done to keep up with current network threats so an out of date firewall is almost useless.
- Writing the Rules – Your network is only safe when the rules for what gets in and out are written carefully. The Managed Firewall Service ensures that firewall rules are configured to meet best practices and maximize security.
- Managed Backups – If you’ve chosen a device that CAN be backed up [a good managed services company can help you choose] your agreement will include configuration and storage.
- Reactive Support Service – is rarely needed for firewall issues, but if it is you can rest assured that you’re eligible for our RSS next day response.
- Hassle Free Vendor Warranty Support – this is done every single day – have you ever tried to get in touch with warranty support on a computer-related device? Or software? Vendor warranty support is included ... let us handle the manufacturer’s warranty covered repairs and communications.
The best Managed Firewall Service is one that you will never think about again after you engage a company in an overall Managed Services Agreement.
You and your employees may occasionally experience hiccups in your remote desktop work that requires attention. And there may even be a time when you need to notify your IT company about a network issue.
But once your firewall is under professional services management the only time it should be brought to your attention again is when your business changes significantly – to update policies – or when it’s time to renew your agreements and subscriptions.
Your Firewall is something you absolutely do not want to rely on a break-fix arrangement. There’s just too much at stake!
For more information on Firewalls: Your Company Really DOES Need a Firewall – And Here’s Why – Verified Technologies

Security Awareness Training and Managed IT
Research done by The Aberdeen Group shows that security awareness training can reduce the threat of socially engineered cyber threats by up to 70%.
That means that a workforce that isn’t just trained but trained regularly on how to identify phishing scams is FAR less likely to fall for them.
This easy-to-do staff training is so important, Verified Technologies makes it an integral part of our Managed IT Services agreements. If you are under management now and you DON’T have this kind of training for your employees – demand it!
According to one customer, their staff being aware of even the most sophisticated socially engineered data breach attempts has them thousand, if not 10s of thousands of dollars. In downtime. In ransom fees and more.
Specialized Staff Security IT Training
Verified uses an outside, professional organization devoted specifically to this kind of Security Awareness Training. Because it is just too important to implement halfway.
This fully managed security awareness program allows your organization to take a proactive stance on end-user security education and provides statistics to assess current and ongoing security training effectiveness.
And provides you with a huge library of security awareness training content, including:
- Interactive modules
- Videos
- Games
- Posters
- and Newsletters.
The service also consists of the following:
- Web Based Customer Dashboard – so YOU can manage what your team is learning and make sure your entire staff is buying in and doing the work.
- Training Campaigns – that allows you to fully automate the roll out of your training, including scheduled automated reminder emails for all your employees and managers.
- Phishing Platform – one of the most valuable tools is the simulated phishing platform. It gives you the ability to schedule and send an unlimited number of Simulated Phishing Security Tests.
- Phishing Template Customization – You also have the ability to customize any system template to better reflect the threats you’re encountering.
- Scheduled Phishing Security Tests
- Phish Alert Button – gives your users a safe way to forward email threats to the security team for analysis and deletes the email from the user's inbox to prevent future exposure. All with just one click!
- Detailed Reporting – Training reports for all users or a specific group (who started, completed, started but never finished) and more.
Of course, Verified Technologies will provide monthly reports on user training and phishing test results upon request.
We can tell you from direct experience that this kind of training WORKS to reduce your employee’s responses to phishing attempts, regardless of how clever the attackers are.
It’s an important part of any Managed IT Services Agreement – and it’s in ours.
Related Article: How to Improve Remote Worker Security with Microsoft Office 365 – Verified Technologies

Virtual CIO | Outsourced Chief Information Officer AND MSP
There’s always a President, of course. And a Controller or CFO to handle the financial growth of the company.
3rd is usually a COO to handle the mechanics of what a growing business needs done. Often even a VP or Marketing or CMO is added to the C-Suite before a High Commander of IT is even considered.
And that’s probably perfectly appropriate for your growing business, depending on what it does of course.
But that doesn’t mean that the fundamental function of a CIO isn’t incredibly important to your business success. It just means that maybe you don’t need one in the office down the hall or in the home office in the next state.
It’s a brief description with a lot of value behind it.
Virtual CIO Services
What the words say in the typical Managed IT Services Agreement typically include something like this:
Includes a comprehensive yearly report of the services provided in the past. In addition, a yearly round table conversation with a Senior Technical Consultant or a key member of the Verified Technologies Technical Services Management Team to discuss:
- Managed services reports.
- Past issues/trends and recommended remediation.
- Future objectives and emerging technologies or products that are applicable to the environment.
- Overall technology direction on both a strategic and tactical level.
- Upcoming renewals for budgetary purposes.
- Any other related technology topics that the customer wishes to discuss.
All that is true and correct.
Virtual CIO: Top 5 Reasons to Use Managed IT Services – Verified Technologies

Value in Services
But the value is in having a seasoned Information technology pro, a C-Suite level advisor that will sit down with you and review strategy and growth.
Someone with decades of experience to sit next to you and help you develop strategies that will impact your business for years to come.
A Partner to help map out what you’ll need, technologically, to make it to the next level of growth or profitability that you’ve set your sites on.
And the best part could be that Virtual CIO Services, like those included with Managed IT Services from a company like Verified Technologies, includes conversations with someone with intimate knowledge of the successes and failures of other businesses’ strategies.
That MSPs advisor has often helped dozens of companies grow and bring tried and tested strategies from other industries, other geographies, and other financial strata of success that an in-house CIO doesn’t have access to.
Virtual CIO Services and part of your Managed IT Service Provider relationship are important. Don’t let its page size in your agreement paperwork mask its potential to help you on your business journey!
Learn more about Alan Dawson and Verified Technologies here: About – Verified Technologies